So here are 5 simple and nurturing ways to minimize Thanksgiving stress:
Create a Game Plan.
Don't wait until the last minute to do your shopping. You run the risk of getting stuck in crowds and not being able to get the items you need. Because you're planning ahead, you'll probably purchase a frozen turkey. Remember that depending upon the weight, a turkey can take up to five days to thaw in the refrigerator. Give yourself and your bird enough time to reduce this possible stressor.
Prepare Your Space Ahead of Time.
When you're cooking a meal to this magnitude, you're going to need extra space in the fridge and on the counters. Take this opportunity to do a little "fall cleaning" and pitch old condiments, leftovers and other items you don't need in the fridge.
Delegate Tasks.
A good head chef knows that a strong team is needed to achieve good service. You're no different. Assign duties to family members you know will want to help. Whether it be bringing a side dish, watching the little ones so they aren't underfoot while you're cooking, or simply setting the table, the list of ways others can bring relief to the day is endless.
Get Enough Sleep.
It might seem counter intuitive, but making sure you get enough sleep can help combat the additional stress you may be under. Don't vary your sleeping schedule. Simply plan around it so your body remains in its natural rhythm. While you may have to get up a bit early on Thanksgiving Day to get the turkey in the oven, if you're well-rested from the previous nights, it won't take as much of a toll on you.
Remember what's important. Take time out to enjoy the day and have some fun. Start a new tradition of playing a game, telling favorite jokes or simply taking a walk together as a family. While the meal may seem like the big part of the day, the most important part is spending time with your loved ones and giving thanks for all you have.
Your emotional and mental health care should be at the top of your list when striving to live consciously and in a naturally healthy way. We are here to support you in the big and little ways we can. This is why we've developed a line of organic cleaning supplies meant to deeply clean, condition and care for your home and kitchen.
This Thanksgiving, take care of yourself in the best ways possible. From us at Bayes, to you,
Happy Thanksgiving!