To make your Thanksgiving celebration as green as possible, start with "Reduce, Reuse & Recycle!" You can reduce the amount of waste you produce by buying only as much as you need and choosing products that come in packaging that can be recycled. Carry reusable bags when you do your shopping, and use cloth napkins that can be washed and used again. Recycle and compost all leftovers. Many things can be reused or put into use for the following seasons! Think ahead.
Buy and Eat Local
Buying only locally grown food is one good way to have a green Thanksgiving. Locally grown food is good for your table, your health and the environment. Locally grown food tastes better than food that has to be grown and packaged for maximum shelf life, and it requires less fuel to reach store shelves. Locally grown food also contributes more to your local economy, supporting local farmers as well as local merchants.
Choose Organic
Using only organic food for your feast is another good green Thanksgiving strategy. Organic fruits, vegetables and grains are grown without chemical pesticides and fertilizers; organic meat is produced without antibiotics and artificial hormones. The result is food that is better for your health and good for the environment. Organic farming also produces higher yields, increases soil fertility, prevents erosion, and is more cost-effective for farmers.
Plant a Tree
Trees absorb carbon dioxide—a greenhouse gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect and global warming—and give off oxygen in return. Planting one tree may not seem to make much difference in the face of global climate change, but small things do matter. In one year, the average tree absorbs roughly 26 pounds of carbon dioxide and returns enough oxygen to supply a family of four.
Make Your Own Decorations
With a few simple supplies and a little imagination, you can make great eco-friendly Thanksgiving decorations and have a lot of fun in the process. Colored construction paper can be cut or folded into simple Pilgrim, turkey and harvest decorations. You can also make your own clay and then shape and mold it into acorns, pumpkins or other holiday symbols.
Bring in the Spiritual Side
The Pilgrims who celebrated the first Thanksgiving fled religious persecution in Europe to seek a better life in America. The Thanksgiving holiday was established to provide a national day for all Americans to give thanks. Even if you follow no particular religion, however, Thanksgiving is a good time to count your blessings, beginning with the many ways the natural environment sustains and enriches our lives. As part of your green Thanksgiving, make time for prayer, meditation, reflection, or perhaps just a walk in the woods to contemplate and give thanks for the wonders of nature.
Say Thank You
In the end, whatever you do on Thanksgiving, be sure you take the time to say thank you and set your heart to an intention of gratitude. Make this a time to say thank you to the people in your life who matter most and, if possible, to spend time in their company. Life is short so make every moment count. If distance or circumstances don't allow you to spend Thanksgiving with your loved ones, be sure to find a way to be in touch with them to tell them why you are thankful to them and how they make your world a better place.
Bayes supports family and green living through our contribution of quality organic kitchen cleaning products, including our granite counter top cleaner. (You may need a few bottles after this weeks festivities!)
From all of us to you, we wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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