One of the reasons that it's so easy to make an impactful difference on the overall energy-efficiency of your kitchen is that some of your home's largest appliances are located there. Here are a few quick tips to help you know you're getting the most out your kitchen appliances and being earth conscious in the process!
First, make sure that you only run the dishwasher when it's full. If you've only got one plate or a few forks in there, it's most likely going to save more water to wash those by hand. Secondly, don't pre-rinse your dishes in the sink. This step was necessary in the past but most modern dishwashers are powerful enough that they can remove food residue without pre-rinsing, so skipping this step will save you a lot of water and energy (not to mention time!).
Even if you went out of the way to purchase an energy-efficient fridge, you might be sabotaging your decision by not using it properly. One common mistake is setting the temperature too low. You can check your owner's manual to determine the optimal temperature range (usually around 36°-38°F), but if you notice that some of your food is super cold or even frozen, you should turn your temp down a bit or reserve those "cold zones" for more spoilage-prone foods. Remember that for every degree below 38°F, your unit consumes 5% more energy; so if you have it set to 36°F now and it's too cold, consider raising it a few degrees. Another easy tip is to use glass tupperware. Glass is not only more long-lasting than plastic or foil, but it also provides a better insulating barrier that keeps food and beverages colder.
One of the best ways you can transform your edible waste into valuable soil is by composting it. Composting does take some time and patience but there are many products out there to simplify the process. If you're planning to compost indoors, try an odor-minimizing, compact composter. Once you have the hang of it, you may even be able to use the resulting nutrient-rich soil to grow your own food, which will help make your kitchen and cooking even greener.
Green Cleaners:
Using organic and biodegradable cleaning supplies in the kitchen keeps our water sources clean and our health as well. We are in the kitchen so often. It's important that we avoid chemicals in general, but especially where we are preparing our food. That's why at Bayes, we've developed a line of organic cleaning supplies - including our granite counter top cleaner. You have the benefit of clean granite counter tops as well as knowing your family won't get any chemicals on those freshly chopped apple slices! For bigger messes, you can always use the simplicity of baking soda and white vinegar!
There are always great and easy options when wanting to have a greener and affordable kitchen and home. Bayes wants to help you live clean and healthy in every way we can. Please visit us today for more information!
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