Prepare Your Cooking Canvass
This one is so simple and helpful. Before you dive into a cooking masterpiece, make sure your dishwasher, sink and counter tops are empty and cleared; that way, you can rinse and load dishes and utensils right away instead of leaving them to sit out for a few hours (to get all crusty, stay overnight and haunt your morning!) Call in your reserves too! If you have a partner or children in the home, ask for help. If you're eating dinner, contribute!
Clean As You Go
Now that your sink and dishwasher are empty and waiting, cleaning as you go is less intimidating! (And cleaning up after dinner will be a quick piece of cake!)
Don't Forget the Sink
Just because the dishes are out of the sink doesn't mean you're done! Use a little of your dish soap or a little baking soda and vinegar as you gently wipe the thin layer of things accumulated on the sink. This reduces smells and buildup. Added bonus, if you have a garbage disposal, throw an orange or lemon peal inside and let it run! The enzymes will kill the what's resting near the top of the drain and will leave a fresh fragrance behind as well!
Oil Your Boards
If you use wooden or bamboo cutting boards, it's good to maintain them about once a month and it only takes about 5 minutes. Just pour about a TBSP of oil onto a paper towel or hand towel and massage on to the board, working the oil into the grooves. The same can be done for wooden utensils. This saves time, money and allows your board to last much longer!
Have the Right Tools and Keep Them in Reach
Don't you hate when you're all geared to clean and all you find is window cleaner? ... or dish soap? I'm not saying you need every cleaner known to man, but its good to have a few good cleaners to keep the job easy and efficient. For example, always have a degreaser for stove top burners. Every home needs an all purpose cleaner, and you can even make your own with vinegar and some essential oils. Lastly, don't be the person that runs out of sponges and keeps using the sour one. You'll thank me later!
Care For Your Counter Tops
Clear the clutter, folks. Counter tops loose their open appeal when they're lost in the piles that hide them! Clutter makes a kitchen feel chaotic and claustrophobic, whereas tidy and clear counter tops are invigorating and inspiring. They are also very inviting. They inspire you to cook, instead running from your kitchen to order fast food instead. Start by clearing the clutter and you'll see what I mean! Also, if you're one of the lucky ones to have granite counter tops, you have a fantastic, multi-use material to take care of. Be sure to have Bayes Granite Counter Top Rejuvenator on hand. It conditions the counter tops in a non-toxic and gentle but durable way. Keep extra sponges around.
It's far more simple than you may think. Just start with a few ideas each week and work them into your routine. I promise, you'll see the difference. Then, at the end of the month - see how much easier that BIG deep clean will be!
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