things you can do here and there that make a big difference on the environment, your home life and family. Try these tips out and live better with greener habits for the home and whole family.
Relax While Driving
It doesn't matter what kind of car you drive; fuel-sipping hybrid or hulking gas-guzzler, you can improve your gas mileage, save money, and reduce your impact on global warming just by changing your driving habits. Be relaxed while you drive; when we are in a hurry or irritated and react by speeding, accelerating or breaking excessively, we burn unnecessary amounts of fuel. Calm down. You will get where you need to go. When you relax, you'll save gas and possibly yourself from an accident.
Eat Seasonal, Locally-Grown Food

Skip the Bottled Water - Bring Your Own!
Bottled water typically costs about 10,000 times the cost of tap / filtered water, so by using your own mug instead of buying one individual, disposable plastic bottle every day, you could save $500 a year. Obvious and easy change!
Bring Your Own Bag to the Store
Paper or plastic? How about neither? The fact is both paper and plastic shopping bags impact the environment considerably. Instead, choose more durable, reusable canvas shopping bags. These green bags are popping up everywhere these days, so you’ll have no problem finding one to suit your style.
Buy Green
Show businesses that consumers want products made responsibly and sustainably. Next time you’re shopping, take the time to look at the labels on the products you buy. Try to avoid over-packaged items, household products with toxic or non-biodegradable chemicals, and choose items made of recycled materials or are organic, fair-trade, or LEED certified.
Bayes decided to go into business out of a desire to meet the need that so many people are asking to be filled. Our cleaning products are organic, non-toxic and gentle on the spaces in your homes. We encourage you to make small steps to big change in your home as you make your cleaning routine more green.