Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Benefits of Organic Cleaning

The phrase “organic cleaning” gets thrown around a lot, but what exactly constitutes organic cleaning? Green, or organic, cleaning is simply cleaning your house with toxin free cleaning products; free from chemicals that can harm yourself and your family. Organic cleaning products can be made on your own or purchased from a store. One of organic cleaning products best features is that they are held to much higher standards than traditional cleaning supplies. In addition, they are much better for your home and for the environment.

Benefits of Organic Cleaning Products

Better for the environment: Using organic cleaning supplies is a great way of preserving the environment as well as the world for future generations. The use of non organic cleaning supplies has runoff containing dangerous chemicals that, when drained, go into the ocean and can wreak havoc on the ocean life and their eco system. The chemicals contain phosphates which act as water softeners. When these minerals go down into the various drains they can actually increase the growth rate of algae and can pollute the water for the fish and others living in the ocean. Non organic cleaning supplies also often contain chlorine which can contain irritants to various sea animals and can stay in the environment for many years. Finally, many organic cleaning products come in biodegradable bottles and containers. This is opposite to non organic products, whose containers are not biodegradable and rot in landfills for hundreds of years.
Better for your family: Many parents have high priority in keeping their families safe. One way to do so is by purchasing organic cleaning supplies. Some non organic cleaning supplies contain chemicals in the ingredients that can cause skin and eye irritation. This can be extremely harmful to children and even adults. When you use these cleaning supplies, these chemicals remain on the surfaces all around your home. These toxins can make your family sick and can reduce the immune system of anyone who comes into contact with them. Organic cleaning supplies provide a healthier alternative to traditional cleaning supplies and will not contain harmful solvents that damage the body.

Where to Order Organic Cleaning Products?

There are many online stores and companies that are dedicated to providing healthier alternatives to everyday cleaning products you and your household will use. These products often do not cost more than regular cleaning supplies you purchase from the grocery store. However, they are completely non-toxic cleaners and can prevent sickness in your home.
By using organic products, you will be helping keep your children and family as safe as possible. In addition, you will protect the environment from the thousands of harmful byproducts that regular products contain. Organic cleaning supplies are usually not much more expensive than regular cleaning supplies. However, the numerous benefits far outweigh the little added expense.

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