Saturday, August 23, 2014

Going Green at the Grocery Store

Going to the local grocery store several times a month is a necessity for most families. Now more than ever, parents are discovering the health benefits of "going green" at the grocery store and are buying increasing amounts of eco friendly products. These green alternative products are becoming cheaper every day, and usually they are not much more expensive than normal grocery store purchases.

How to Go Green at the Grocery Store
Buy Organic Cleaning Supplies: Every day, new people are discovering that organic and green cleaning supplies are simply better quality products than their traditional competitors. These green cleaning products are completely free of many harmful chemicals. These chemicals can effect your household, as well as the environment. Small children are especially prone to the negative side effects of traditional household cleaners. Because a number of green products are completely biodegradable and contain nontoxic ingredients, you can do your part to save the earth.

Buy Fair Trade Products: Fair Trade Products are products that you can find at your supermarket that have a higher standard in comparison to other food products when it comes to the environment and labor. When purchasing Fair Trade groceries, you are being assured that the farms and everyone involved in farming process receive fair wages and labor conditions, in addition to confirmation that damaging chemicals were not used in any part of the growing or shipping of the products. Fair Trade Products are easily identifiable by the Fair Trade Certified logo displayed on the package. A few popular examples of Fair Trade groceries you can buy at the grocery store are fruits, vegetables, and coffee. Most grocery stores will have at least one Fair Trade coffee brand shelved and available for purchase. There also may be popular brands of your favorite foods that you never knew were Fair Trade Products. Ben & Jerry’s ice cream has many fair trade flavors, so you can enjoy your favorite dessert completely guilt free while doing your part in going green!

Small Things that add Up: There are many small things you can do that make a big impact in going green. The easiest way to start is by bringing your own reusable grocery bags to the market. This prevents thousands of paper and plastic bags from being made and saves landfills from being polluted with the discarded bags. Another place to start is riding your bicycle or walking to the grocery store when your load is light enough to carry without a car. Finally, a, third tip is to purchase items you use on a regular basis in bulk. When you purchase items such as toilet paper, rice, and pasta in bulk, you can cut down on packaging.

Going green is simpler than people think. Bayes Cleaners offers a wide variety of organic cleaning supplies that can help you achieve your goal. By following these few simple steps on your next trip to the market, you can make a big difference. Be brave, step out on a journey to a greener life.

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