Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Make Your Own Non-Toxic Organic Cleaners With These Affordable Ingredients

You naturally want your family to be healthy and safe so it's understandable that you'd want to avoid toxic household cleaners.  But you need affordable and simple options that make you feel happy about your toxin free choices.  This can be hard, with the hype that companies are jumping on with organic products, inspiring them to spike their prices. We don't think that's fair to your or your family, which is why we both price our products affordably and also provide helpful ideas that you can use to keep your home and family enjoying optimum clean health! 

Below, we want to share with you some simple organic and safe ingredients, found in your home or kitchen, that you can easily make your own non-toxic cleaning supplies from. 

Top Ingredients:


White vinegar is effective at dissolving grease and makes a great surface cleaner in the kitchen and bathroom. Vinegar works well because of its acidic nature and antibacterial effect. Japanese research found that the bactericidal activity of vinegar increased as the temperature of its solution increased, underscoring the need for double benefit of warm cleaning solutions. Mix 1 cup of vinegar with water in a bucket or spray bottle and use it to clean windows and mirrors to toilets and floors.

Baking Soda

Baking soda deodorizes and has an abrasive quality that out shines toxic, powdered cleansers. Use on surfaces in the bathroom and kitchen to remove stains or even clean the inside of a messy oven. Adding salt can provide a boost in scrubbing power.

Lemon Juice

The inclusion of lemon in many commercially available cleaning products is one rare area where they got it right! Lemon juice kills mold, cuts through grease, and leaves a streak-free shine. The applied food science laboratory in Lincoln Nebraska examined the ability for lemon oil to inhibit mold growth by applying a coating of lemon juice and vinegar to roast beef. This was found to support prevention of spore germination and outgrowth. Combine lemon juice with vinegar or olive oil to make compound cleaning products that work harder and provide a natural scent.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has a bubbling action that is amazing with hard-to-clean situations. Fill a spray bottle with a HP and water mixture, keep it near the laundry area as it can be a great spot cleaner.

Olive Oil

Polishing wood with with olive oil and lemon juice moisturizes it and provides amazing shine with a fresh scent. Blend 1 cup of olive oil and 1/2 cup of lemon juice in a spray bottle, mist onto a soft cloth and polish wood furniture the natural way.                                                                              (reposted with gratitude from the Global Healing Center

Cleaning with organic products not only protects your family's health but also furthers the health of the environment and it only takes a few small changes. By buying these low-cost organic ingredients, you save money while improving your life and the quality of the lives around you! 

Or, you can check out the non toxic line of clearners offered by Bayes, including their amazing granite counter top rejuvenator.  Stop by Bayes for the top Counter Cleaner available!!  

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