- Sticky Candies: Mix 1 teaspoon of neutral detergent and 1 cup of lukewarm water. Blot the stain using this solution and a cloth. For melted candy, blot with a mixture of one-third vinegar and two-thirds water. Finish by blotting with water, then scrape off the candy.
- Hair gel and Hair Spray: That slicked back vampire hairstyle stayed in place all night but you don’t want it stuck on your clothing! Before washing, scrape away any remaining product, then spray on stain remover and then wash in hot water.
- Chocolate: Carefully scrape off as much of the chocolate as possible without grinding the stain deeper into the fabric. Apply stain remover and wash. Wash again if necessary with fabric- or color-safe bleach.
- Pumpkin: Before you start carving your design, be sure lay down newspapers under the pumpkin for easy cleanup. Too late? That’s fine. Just use a spoon to scrape off as much as possible, then scrub with Bayes Organic Dishwashing Solution and water
- Silly String: Most will come off your house with soap and water, but you can remove any residue with a cotton ball or swab.
- Shaving cream: Don’t wait to clean this one! Most people are surprised to find out that shaving cream can leave stains on outdoor areas and items! Luckily, you’ll be able to get it off easily with a hose and microfiber cloth. If your car is the victim, though, you should have it professionally washed as it can damage the paint.
- Toilet paper: Make sure to clean up toilet paper before it starts raining or before sprinklers go off, as wet toilet paper is a nightmare to clean. If dry toilet paper is high up in a tree, use a ladder and a stick wrapped in sticky duct tape to reach it.
- Lipstick and oil-based Halloween makeup: For fabring, test a small amount of makeup remover or rubbing alcohol on inside seam to test the fabric to make sure the fabric won’t be affected. If the color hasn’t changed after 10 minutes, proceed by using a washcloth to dampen the stain with remover or alcohol. Pat the stain with a dry paper towel until it no longer picks up any makeup. Treat with Bayes Stain Remover and wash in warm water. Re-treat and rewash if the stain remains.
- Bubble Gum: Rub an ice cube over the stain until it freezes and hardens. Scrape off or peel as much of the hardened gum as you can without rubbing it deeper into the fabric. Dab with dry-cleaning solvent if you have some on hand; otherwise, apply stain remover and wash.
Halloween is meant to be a time of fun and craziness! Let Bayes be the one to save the day! Be safe, have fun and enjoy the ride!
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