Stop multitasking.
This first step is the simplest and best way to start reducing your stress, and you can start immediately. Clear your desk or list of things to do that can distract you. Pick one thing to work on. Do only that. Remove distractions such as phones and email notifications while you’re working on that project. If you’re going to do email, do only that. This takes practice, and you’ll get urges to do other things. Just keep practicing and you’ll get better at it.
Simplify your time.
A hectic schedule is a major cause of high stress. Simplify by reducing the number of commitments in your life to just the essential ones. Learn to say no to the rest — and slowly get out of commitments that aren’t beneficial to you. Schedule only a few important things each day, and put space between them. Get out of meetings when they aren’t absolutely essential. Leave room for down time and fun.
Move your body.
Do something each day to be active — walk, hike, play a sport, go for a run, do yoga. It doesn’t have to be grueling to reduce stress. Just move. Have fun doing it.
Develop one new healthy habit this month.
Besides getting active, improving your health overall will help with the stress. But do it one habit at a time. Eat fruits and veggies for snacks. Floss every day. Quit smoking. Cook something healthy for dinner. Drink water instead of soda. Pick one and be devoted to it.
Calm down.
What do you enjoy that calms you down? For many people, it can be the “get moving” activity discussed above. But it could also be taking a nap, or a bath, or reading. Other people are calmed by housework or gardening. Some people like to meditate, pray or take a nature walk. Find your calming activity and really try to do it each day.
Have fun!
Find ways to have fun each day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Play with children & play sports. Board games are fun. Whatever you choose, be sure to laugh.
Get creative.
Throwing yourself into a creative activity is another great way to de-stress and to prevent stress. Writing can be wonderful, but others like to paint or play music or sketch or make pottery or do interior design or build things.
De-clutter and clean.
Take 20-30 minutes and just go through a room, getting rid of stuff you don’t use or need anymore. Look around at anything that’s cluttering up a room, and get rid of it or find a better place for it. Find an area of the home and deep clean it - set to a timer. When you're done, you'll have a peaceful, clear environment for work, play, and living.
Bayes knows you don't need more things to do on your plate, which is why we suggest making things you DO have to do, simple, healthy and enjoyable. This is the mission behind our organic cleaning products. We keep things real and good because you deserve it!
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