one person and most agree that the jobs should be delegated out to the whole family; children included. Children who learn to take part in household responsibilities at a young age learn helpful habits that they can take with them into their adulthood as well. But determining what jobs a child can do, isn't always an easy task. So we've decided to share with you some simple daily chores for kids at any age! Of course, keep in mind, that a more mature 8 year old may be ready for some more 'older kid' responsibilities, and a less mature 12 year old, may need to stick to the 9 year old jobs.
Two and Under:
Ages 14-17
*all the above plus:

- Get diaper.
- Put toys in bins or drawers.
- Put dirty clothes in hamper (if the top is low enough).
- Help take clean clothes from the dryer.
- Help pick up stray books and magazines.
- Help set the table.
- Hang up towel (on hook).
*all the above jobs plus:
- Pull comforter up over bed.
- Put toys and games (and all their pieces) in the proper boxes or bins.
- Place dirty dishes on the kitchen counter.
- Help unload the dishwasher.
- Fill the pet's water dish.
- Take backpack from the car into the house.
- Make the bed.
Ages Six to Nine:
*all the above plus:
- Hang up towels.
- Decide which clothes are dirty and which can be re-worn.
- Feed pets.
- Exercise pets.
- Clean pets' bowls and cages.
- Help make breakfast.
- Do simple cooking tasks such as rinsing vegetables.
- Take out trash and recycling, and remove compostable material.
- Pick up trash in car and empty car trash bag.
Ages 10-13
*all the above plus:
- Pour beverages for meals.
- Help hand-wash dishes.
- Make lunch for school.
- Unload the dishwasher.
- Disinfect kitchen and bathroom counter tops.
*all the above plus:
- Prepare meals.
- Clean coffeemaker.
At Bayes, we want your family as healthy as can be! A healthy family cleans together and chooses healthy cleaning supplies as well, like our Organic Granite Cleaner for kitchen counters! We hope you get the most out of these tips and would love to hear from you as well! What are your favorite cleaning tips for green families?