You may not know it but there are many dangerous poisons lurking in some of your most commonly used household items. In America, we consume so many products without ever knowing what the real ingredients are. At Bayes, we don't think that's fair to you, and is why we decided to produce our own line of home essentials to help you clean and protect your home in the safest way possible.
But in the meantime, it's important for you to be aware of the dangerous household items in your home and how you can avoid them. Thanks to Every Day Health for putting the below list together!
1. Plastic food containers

2. Prepared foods in plastic containers
You don’t necessarily have to toss these, but don’t heat them up in the plastic. Heating plastic can release chemicals that seep into your food. It’s well worth your time to take a few extra seconds to transfer prepared foods into a glass container before heating them in the microwave.
3. Nonstick pans
Many nonstick pans contain trace amounts of a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), which has been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals. The pans’ non-stick lining can scratch or chip off into your food. Instead, use cast iron or stainless steel cookware, and natural, non-stick sprays such as olive oil.
4. Air fresheners
I never allow artificial air fresheners in my home. Anything you breathe in eventually ends up in your bloodstream. Plug-in scents or synthetically scented candles many contain chemicals called phthalates, which have been linked to reproductive problems. Instead, choose candles made with essential oils and fresh flowers to scent your home. Also, try using baking soda and white vinegar as odor absorbers.
5. Perfumes
The one-word ingredient “perfume” can translate to a product containing upwards of 300 chemical ingredients. (Perfume companies won’t release lists of exact ingredients for fear of divulging secrets to their competitors.) Avoid perfumes and colognes or switch to products that are scented with natural oils.
6. Fabric and upholstery protection sprays
Stain blockers essentially create an invisible plastic barrier over your furniture. This plastic will eventually wear off and be released into your home environment. Instead, simply clean stains as necessary rather than trying to prevent them.
7. Cleaning products
Check the labels of cleaning products for chemical ingredients such as phthalates and chemical surfactants. These ingredients are not only dangerous to your home, but to your skin and lungs too!
Bayes products are organic and 100% eco-friendly and work not only just as well, but far better and without coating your home in toxins. Be sure to check out our website for our full product line. You deserve to have the best and that's what Bayes is known for!